At-Home Colon Cancer Screening Test Kit


The fecal immunochemical test (FIT) is a simple test you can do at home. The test looks for traces of blood in a bowel movement. It involves taking one sample from a bowel movement using a test kit. Kits are mailed to labs to be analyzed. If there is a positive result, you will need to reach out to your primary care physician to discuss options.

During the month of March, we provide free colon cancer screening FIT kits and, hopefully, saves lives. Every year, the Task Force distributes nearly a thousand FIT kits to residents ages 45-74 in Omaha.

If you have questions about the Task Force or the FIT kit campaign, you can contact us via email at


FIT Kits - How to submit a sample

Here is a video and a step by step instruction sheet on how to complete the FIT kit sample.


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