Meet Chris

The truth about colon cancer is that it can affect anyone of any gender, age, race, or physical condition.

Chris is an athletic, healthy male who was diagnosed with colon cancer at age 39.

Like many people, when Chris first started experiencing concerning symptoms, he ignored them. When he eventually did get a colonoscopy, he learned he had stage 3 colon cancer. As someone who was arguably in the best shape of his life at the time, you can imagine how that might come as quite a shock.

People know that colon cancer often affects people over 50 or that health and wellness may play a role, but this is not always the case. Chris is a prime example of someone who was younger, fit, and active and still affected by the disease. 

As Chris knows, it’s a cancer that people don’t like to talk about, but he is on a mission to help others catch it early so they don’t have to go through everything he did by encouraging them to get screened at the onset of symptoms. And as one of our Board Members, he has no problem talking about it! 

Chris’s story illuminates why it is so important to listen to our bodies and not ignore the symptoms. Colon cancer is 3rd most commonly diagnosed cancer, and it is also the most treatable when found early. If you are over 50, have a family history of polyps, or are experiencing concerning symptoms - it’s time to get screened. Don’t put it off, early detection and prevention is key. 

Leave colon cancer behind. Get screened.

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