Meet Amanda

It’s no secret that genetics can play a role when it comes to colon cancer. Amanda’s mom, Melodee, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Colon Cancer when she was only 44 years old, and by that time it had spread all the way to her liver. Looking back after the diagnosis, there were warning signs that Melodee had shrugged off: dizziness, pain the gut, and bloating.

Because colon cancer runs in their family, Amanda got her first colonoscopy at age 26 and has to go every five years for the rest of my life. Melodee’s siblings went and got their screenings done right away after she was diagnosed. Two of the four have had polyps removed during their colonoscopies.

Amanda joined the Great Plains Colon Cancer Task Force seven years ago and became the Vice President at her first meeting. Her philosophy is if she can touch at least one person then it’s all worth it. She wants to spread as much awareness as possible and get people talking about colon cancer.

Colon cancer is the most preventable type of cancer and the most treatable, when found early. Knowing your family history and getting screened can help find cancer prevent you from getting colon cancer.  

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