Survivor Story: Kim S.

Name: Kim S., Survivor of 17 years!

How were you diagnosed?: I had a blood clot in my lung, doctors couldn’t figure out why at first. Sent me home on blood thinners, the blood thinners made the tumor bleed in my colon. I was sent back to the hospital to get an emergency colonoscopy where the tumor was found. 50% blockage, and outside my colon wall. I was 39.

What would you tell others about getting screened?: It’s better to get screened where if something is found, it’s much easier to get it taken care of early.

Why do you fight back against colon cancer?: It’s a silent killer, I had no symptoms! I’m lucky to be alive.

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If you would like to share your own colon cancer survival story, please share your story here.

Jaime Hann